dada means breaking the rules.
it means ripping apart the expected structures of acid, techno, ambient, hiphop, disco and noise, and reassembling them into something absurd, chaotic, and raw. dada destroys worlds the worlds of how we see, hear, and feel music. it shatters club tunes into experimental theater pieces, turns sampling artifacts and big-city noise into dancefloor anthems. it’s singing about not-singing. it’s dancing to the undanceable. dada transforms these genres into a playground of sonic rebellion. it laughs at the seriousness of music. it mocks the need for perfection. the music styles we know and love become canvases for absurdity, chance, and dark humor. music that doesn’t just sound different, but questions why it exists at all. in the end, dada doesn’t "fit" into these genres: its a virus and mutates their dna. the result: something uniquely broken and beautifully free.
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dr walker album on djungle fever FAQs what is da dark dada-ist who is dr walker what is the liquid sky artistcollective what is djungle fever why this release why 527 tracks why pre-sales what music style what does the integration of Dada mean to Acid / Techno / Ambient / Noise what happens with the incoming €€€ what instruments were used some words about "AI" in music & film production what 2 expect next after the release a message 2 the listeners links links links Arch1v3sCat3gor13s |