the structure of
Liquid Sky Radio will look like: monday: brain FKK mondays completely fkkd up music, noise, dada / poEtry, radioplays , disturbing sounds and audio experiments tue / wed: no concepts yet - so for the beginning we will replay randomly shows from the other days thursday: psychedelic kitchen psychedelic electronic music of the last 100 years fri / sa: liquid sky presentzzzzzzzzz all styles of stylish underground clubmusic. no monoculture. when the clubs are reopening: all kinds of live transmissions from clubs and bars and studios around the planet sunday: telepthic bubblebath chill out / trip out / ambient / electronic dub / trip hop so when will we start? sooooooon! working on it! you want be part of the team? send us an email! [email protected] subject: liquid sky radio if you produce mixes / program for liquid sky radio -
here is the format we need the music in: 320 kbitsec mp3 stereo 30 minutes snippets Named like LSR_artist_mixname_part1 (/ 2 / 3 ...) And _EXCL behind it when the mix / recording is exclusively available on liquid sky radio pls send the files via dropbox or wetransfer to [email protected] subject: LSR thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! <3 |
n3wsliquid sky artistcollective reverb