dear zen delay owners: come & join the zen delay compilation project (vinyl / digital) Send your best track with your craziest zen delay action EVER. The crazier the better. The best 6 tracks will be released on a special zen delay vinyl. The best 27 tracks will be released in digital format. which track to send: previous unreleased music You must guarantee to own all rights on the recording (no illegal samples used) WAV or aif Not longer than 5 minutes Pls add a short video where you perform the mainpart of your track on your zen delay to proof that really a zen delay was used. and please: just send us one track - your best and most wicked one! style: as crazy as it can get. we want to hear the zen delay in breathtaking action. hiphop / breaks / dub / techno / house / electro / industrial noise / ... - suprise us - and don t be shy! Send all via wetransfer to [email protected] subject: zen delay compilation or upload the track as private track on soundcloud, activate the download function and email us the link. please name the file: artistname_trackname please do not forget to send your contact info. best is to tag the info in your audiofile as well. Will this release be a Ninja Tune release? No. It will just be an one-off Zen Delay Release. Will this release make you rich? Sorry: no. There are only very little chances to write black numbers. But if - surprisingly -we reach the breakeven we will plant some trees in the liquid sky reforestation project. In other words: no one will get paid! this is not a commercial project. Its for the fun of making crazy noise! If your track gets on the vinyl compilation you will get 5 copies of the vinyl for free. deadline: 15th of january 2021. releasedate: superbooth 2021 we are superexcited to hear your wicked zen delay tracks! matt, girts, ingmar
zen delaya collection of videos, sound snippets, statements, infos .... reverb
September 2024